Our Work - Family Narratives

We believe every parent has a right to fight for their family and there is no more valuable stakeholder in a child's well-being than an involved parent.


School reports to Childline that home may be in poor condition and requests CYF investigation. A welfare check confirmed the home conditions needed to be improved to provide a safer environment for the occupants. Children are removed until house is improved. 8 days later, house is fixed and children are returned. CYF intends to withdraw the petition, but a week prior to that withdrawal, the District Attorney's office filed felony charges for the (now resolved) condition of the home two months prior. Despite heavy resistance from the government, Locally Served challenged the evidence, put the caseworker on the stand, felony charges were dismissed and CYF petition withdrawn. Locally Served expunged parents records to remove any future obstacles to employment, education, and housing.


Dog breaks out of broken fence and 6 year old follows the dog, neighbor calls the police for the unattended child. CYF opens an intake case and misdemeanor endangering the welfare of child charge is filed. Locally Served was able to source the fence repair, schedule necessary evaluations for children for appropriate diagnoses and IEP planning, Client enrolled in intensive outpatient treatment, parenting classes, and enrolled in a trade program. Charges withdrawn by the Commonwealth and CYF case closed.


Father charged with multiple felonies for spanking child, mother charged with felony for not preventing the legal spanking. Both parents incarcerated. Mother's charges withdrawn for completing parenting courses but reunification remained elusive as her housing was disrupted by her short incarceration. Locally Served fast-tracked the new lease for housing for mother and eventually small children were reunified with her. Father waited 3 more months to plead to disorderly conduct and was reunified with his child after 8 months of no contact.

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